Also called Soccer Ball, Bumper Ball, Body Zorbing, Bubble Football and Body Bumpeer Ball.
Bubble soccer or Bubble Ball is the sport we all need right now. It's like soccer, zorbing. and bumper cars.
All (literally) rolled into one! And it comes with "social distancing" mesures built-in.
It's hilarious to watch, physical, exhilarating, and enormous fun for children and adults.
It is ideal for kids as you do not have to follow any hard and fast technical rules. You canbounce around or smash into each other to prevent your opponent from scoring a goal.
Moreover, you do not have to worry about any injuries as well because you are covered in abubble.
Kids often find themselves rolling around and laughing, and sometimes they evenforget about the soccer!
We use 1mm Polyether TU for bumper balls, the performance is stable and will not become foggy, the Polyester TPU that most competitors have been using are not stable, it may become foggy in a short time.
Our harness inside the ball is very flexible and you can adjust it at proper position quickly, the shoulder straps are padded around and it's comfortable to wear. Easy to change and to clean.
Our anti-shock handles are flexible and we use transparent hose which isolate sweat, avoid bad smell and the players hands to get hurt.
We use the most durable stainlessbuckles.